Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Update from abroad: Italy impressions from Megan Swimmer

Italy is more amazing than I could have ever anticipated. When we first arrived it seemed too good to be true, but as I began to take in the scenery, people, and language it hit me! We are in ITALY. The landscape is covered in mountains, vineyards, and the most beautiful little antique Italian homes and buildings.  The people are friendly and graciously willing to bear with us as we attempt to communicate in our limited bits of broken Italian. And while the people, scenery, and food is unbelievable, I would have to say the most amazing part of the trip is the sightseeing.  We have had the opportunity to see history in person!  Seeing masterpieces like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Michelangelo's David, and the Orvieto Duomo left me speechless, something I previously thought impossible! Italy has been such an incredible experience so far. The only negative aspects of being here are the high price of the euro and the fact that I will never be able to enjoy American coffee or pizza the same way after experiencing their Italian equivalents. Yesterday we went to Cinque Terre. It was honestly the most beautiful landscape I have ever seen. Picture a valley covered in beautiful vineyards, cobblestone streets, bright yellow lemon trees, and colorful Italian homes surrounded by the soothing sights and smells of the Mediterranean Sea. The are no words vivid enough to express how absolutely gorgeous Cinque Terre is.  It is also where a few friends and I had our first Italian gelato experience, and let me tell you, even with all the build up of how amazing Italian gelato would be, we were not disappointed!  Italy has been everything I had hoped it would be and more.  I cannot wait to see what other amazing experiences Italy has in store for us!
-Megan Swimmer

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